Climate change

The Green Pen Weekly June 6
Green technology encompasses a wide variety of environmentally friendly technologies from concept to execution, with...
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Unchecked Climate Change: A Missed Opportunity
Our planet is hovering on the brink of a severe climate catastrophe. Air pollution, particularly...
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Transforming energy storage with Long Duration Energy Storage
Image source : @MiddleEastSolar | Overview The adverse effects of climate change have become...
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Asia’s sweltering heat: What we can do to beat it
Introduction The recent heatwave in Asia is considered the most extreme climate event in history....
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The Green Pen Weekly March 04
Transforming Everest Trash: Nepali Women Creating a Sustainable Future Sunita Kumari Chaudhary, a Nepali woman,...
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The Unexpected Homes of Hermit Crabs: A Plastic Tale of Adaptation
In a world where human impact has collided with nature, hermit crabs are doing something...
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The Green Pen Weekly Jan 02
Concrete Revolution: Graphene Upcycling for Sustainable Construction Flinders University and The University of Melbourne researchers...
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Careers in Sustainability
The requirement for "green talent" has become a thundering call to action in the rapidly...
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Navigating the Environmental Crisis: Understanding the Challenges and Our Role in the Solution
The present era of rapid technological advancement and unprecedented comfort has put our planet in...
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The Green Pen Weekly Oct 27
Redefining Climate Action: The Impact of Reforestation on Climate Change As the climate issue worsens,...
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